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Aerial Lift 5G Rollout – Versalift Supports Industry Growth

Aug 5, 2019 | 5G, Aerial Lifts, telecommunications

Aerial Lift 5G – Versalift to Support the National Rollout of New System

Aerial lifts are going to play an important role in the upcoming rollout of 5G across the United States. They will provide technicians with a safe working envelope for technicians to ensure that 5G hardware is installed and deployed correctly. Later, it will be technicians in vehicle-mounted aerial lifts who return to make adjustments and repairs to the 5G system. As 5G is quickly approaching, American companies are responding to the changing market. Several major industries have been preparing for what 5G will bring, including both the electric utility and healthcare sectors.

T-Mobile and Sprint Merger

According to an article published on 7/26/19 in the New York Times, T-Mobile and Sprint have recently announced a merger, and together they will become the second largest telecommunications provider in the industry. Supporters of the deal say that the new company will accelerate the distribution of 5G networks. The merged company will have more assets to achieve its 5G technology, which will pressure other competitors in the market to expand their 5G networks faster. Ajit Pai, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commision, has said the combined company would advance American leadership in the deployment of 5G networks, and close the digital divide in rural America, among other objectives (Chen, 2019). The largest telecommunications providers in the United States are gathering the resources they need for a nationwide deployment of 5G.

The Impact of 5G

The impact of 5G will be felt in profound ways around the United States and the world. There are amazing opportunities for growth across a huge group of industries, and there are also some significant costs that should be acknowledged. 5G represents a massive upgrade in connection speed and bandwidth for mobile device users. It is twenty times faster than 4G (see figure 1). Additionally, 5G will be able to reach millions of devices per square kilometer (Fisher, 2019). 5G will significantly benefit emerging smart grid networks, which provide efficiency and stability through demand-load balancing of electric power. With the incredible promise of a 5G-powered future, there are costs that should be mentioned. In order to be implemented nationwide, 5G will require a massive investment. Further, devices need to be proximal to each other, and require direct line-of-sight, in order to function, because they can not send or receive information through solid objects. As a result, there will be enormous investment associated with upgrading even the most dense markets in the United States to 5G.

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Major Industries Immediately Impacted by 5G

Aerial lifts will contribute to the production of 5G implemented networks and the industries impacted by them. Similarly to how the internet has impacted nearly every business, creating change, opportunity and access to new customers, 5G will impact American commerce in profound ways.

There are several significant industries that are already feeling the impact of 5G:

  • Mobile communications providers, such as the recently announced T-mobile and Sprint merger, will offer new services for mobile phones and computers. These new services will be available because of increased internet speeds and bandwidths.

  • Public and private utility providers, which generate energy and deliver it to people and businesses, will gain efficiency and reliability through 5G-enabled smart grid management.

  • Banks, insurers and other financial service providers will create more opportunities for enhanced client security and identity protection through 5G-enhanced monitoring systems and smart cameras.

  • Doctors, hospitals, and other providers in the healthcare industry will get precise, real-time information from 5G-enabled pacemakers, heart monitors and other life-sustaining medical technologies.

  • Equipment, product and goods manufacturing facilities will be 5G-enhanced to improve inventory management, optimize production lines and improve efficiency.

  • Retail environments that are 5G-enabled will be able to offer true omni-channel engagement with customers. Shopper convenience and customizations will add value. 5G will make retail stores more efficient with self-updating price tags, improved inventory management and more complete security.

  • 5G-enabled vehicles in the transportation industry, such as the self-driving car, will offer new vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. This technology is not limited to just cars: boats, trains and other modes of transportation will benefit from this advancement.

5G Implementation Means Greater Demand for Aerial Lifts:

Aerial lifts will be needed in the construction of a nationwide 5G network. The above short list of industries represents tens of millions of American jobs that will be impacted by 5G enhancements. By no means is it a complete list. Aerial lifts will have a vital role in the implementation of 5G networks, because most 5G implementations cannot be safely performed without them. Aerial lifts that are built for current telecommunications networks are going to be able to service 5G infrastructure. Importantly, telecommunications fleets will need to expand to address the enormous project of implementing 5G nationwide. The construction and maintenance of American 5G networks will require hundreds of billions of dollars in overall investment. 5G will be the fastest and most efficient network ever built. It will also be a huge investment, but one that will be worth it. Industries that are crucial to daily life in the United States, such as electric utilities and healthcare, will be dramatically impacted by 5G. Electric utility providers will be able to offer cheaper and more reliable options through Smart grid and the technology of 5G. Healthcare services will be able to offer greater levels of patient privacy and deliver life-saving technologies to more people. The future of mobile telecommunications is 5G, which will require aerial lifts for implementation and for ongoing maintenance.

Learn more about how Versalift, a full service provider of vehicle-mounted aerial lifts, creates a lower true cost of ownership for telecommunications fleets in North America and around the world.