Aerial lifts in Oregon
Versalift Aerial Lifts Support Key Oregon Industries
Aerial lifts are very important to Oregon’s businesses and homes because they support the flow of electric power and data through networks of overhead cable that are ubiquitous in populated areas of the state. Vehicle mounted aerial lifts can be seen providing maintenance to power and data lines along roadways. Oregon is renowned for numerous wild places and huge forests. Land management, forestry and logging are important industries in Oregon, and forestry fleets include heavy duty aerial lifts. This equipment is important to Oregon’s visual communications and sign, light and traffic industries. Oregon’s urban areas are connected by roadways that require signage and lighting maintenance, and aerial lifts are suited to these tasks without slowing or impeding pedestrian and vehicle traffic.
Distributors for Oregon

Electric Power and Utility Industry in Oregon
Aerial lifts provide electric power providers with the equipment they need to ensure that their linemen and other technicians can safely perform their jobs. Every electric utility provider has a responsibility to ensure that their linemen are using insulated aerial lifts that provide the greatest level of protection possible. Oregon is at the forefront of renewable energy generation and use. 76% of Oregon power came from renewable resources such as hydroelectric power plants. Hydroelectric production in Oregon accounts for 12% of the entire nation’s hydroelectric output.
Below is a short list of some organizations that provide electric power to consumers in Oregon:
- Columbia River Public Utility District
- Eugene Water & Electric Board
- Portland General Electric
- West Oregon Electric Cooperative

Telecommunications Construction & Maintenance in Oregon:
- Aerial lifts that are designed and built for telecommunications use stay busy in Oregon, managing and maintaining overhead data lines. People who live in Oregon have plenty of choice, as there are 240 internet providers that service the state. Oregon is a well-connected state, with 91.7% of Oregonians living in areas with wired broadband access of least 25mbps or faster. Versalift van-mounted aerial lifts deliver the lightest weight vehicles with the greatest payload in their peer group, while providing a 29’ working height to ensure that technicians can reach their work. These equipment features hlep to lower the true cost of Versalift equipment ownership. Below is a short list of some telecommunications providers in Oregon:
Aerial Lifts and their applications for Forestry in Oregon
Aerial lifts support the logging, timber and forest products industries in Oregon. In Oregon, forests cover thirty million acres, which amounts to 48% of the state’s area. Interestingly, the federal government owns about 60% of all forestlands in the state. Most of the remaining forestland is privately owned, and only 3% of the state’s forested land belongs to the state of Oregon. Forestry aerial lifts manufactured by Versalift are built to spec to be the safest and most reliable aerial lifts available on the market.
Get more information on Versalift Forestry equipment.
Aerial lifts for Bridge Inspection in Oregon
Aerial lifts for bridge inspection support a critical element of public safety in Oregon.There are more than 8000 bridges, both large and small, across the state. As is the case with every state, Oregon is required to submit a bi-annual bridge inspection report to the Federal DoT. The state contracts with bridge engineering companies and contractors licensed for bridge inspection in Oregon.
The Marquam Bridge is the busiest bridge in Oregon, and was built in Portland in 1966. The St. Johns Bridge, a suspension bridge spanning the Willamette River in Portland, was the longest of its kind west of the Mississippi River at the time of its construction. The total length is just over 2000 feet.
North America’s leader in bridge inspection equipment can be found at

Oregon General Information
With a population of greater than four million people, Oregon has been experiencing strong growth in population and economic opportunity. Located in the Pacific Northwest, Oregon’s geography is on comprised of rugged cliffs on the Pacific coastline. Moving eastward, the coastal mountains slowly become the Willamette Lowlands. The state capital of Oregon is Salem, where the principal employer is the state government. There are several colleges and university systems in and around Salem. Portland is Oregon’s largest city, with a metropolitan statistical area of 2.4 million people. Major employers in the area include the banking and finance industry, athletic wear and apparel industry and steel manufacturing. Eugene is the home of the University of Oregon and is the launching point of several iconic brands including Nike and Broderbund Software. Tourist attractions include Crater Lake National Park, Cannon Beach and the Oregon Coast Trail. Oregon attracts millions of people each year to its forested state parks including Valley of the Rogue River State Park and Ecola State Park
Notes on Aerial Lift Safety from the United States Department of Labor
Oregon Aerial Lift Safety
Oregon Aerial Lift Safety is highly visible due to population density and the number of roads in the state. All safety codes are strictly enforced throughout the state, and are written to be in alignment with the United States Department of Labor’s OSHA regulations on Aerial Lift Safety.
You can find the OSHA Aerial lift factsheet here.