Aerial lifts in Nebraska
Versalift Aerial Lifts Support Key Nebraska Industries
Aerial lifts are crucial to Nebraska businesses and government entities. As they are important to supporting electric utility maintenance services, aerial lifts are basically ubiquitous in Nebraska. As is common across the United States, most electric distribution and telecommunications infrastructure is built to exist above the ground. In Nebraska, there are several other common applications of vehicle mounted aerial lifts, including logging and forestry, sign and light, cell tower construction, wind turbine blade maintenance and normal tasks relating to roadway maintenance.
Distributors for Nebraska

Electric Power and Utility Industry in Nebraska
Aerial lifts that support electric utility infrastructure in Nebraska are in use constantly. Nebraska’s electric power is deliver to homes and businesses only by publicly-owned utility companies. Interestingly, Nebraska is a top 10 consumer of energy, and this is due to its agricultural and industrial sectors. 13% of the nation’s ethanol is produced there. Renewable energy is gaining momentum in Nebraska, with several solar and wind projects across the state.
Below is a short list of some Publicly Owned Utility Companies that provide power to residents of Nebraska. This is an incomplete list; there are numerous municipal and regional power districts across the rural areas of the state.
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Aerial Lifts and Nebraska Telecommunications Providers
Aerial lifts are in regular heavy use to service telecommunications networks around Nebraska. Versalift van-mounted aerial lifts deliver powerful value to fleets, with the lightest weight vehicles and the greatest payload in their peer group, while providing a 29’ working height to ensure that technicians can reach their work.
Certified technicians use aerial lifts to service high speed data connections, land lines and cable television systems. With that said, approximately15% of the state is underserved concerning broadband availability, and in 2018, 55,000 people in the state still have no internet provider where they live. Below is a short list of Nebraska telecommunications providers:
View LiftsAerial Lifts and their applications for Forestry in Nebraska
Aerial lifts that support Nebraska’s forestry and logging industries are important to the effort of maintaining and managing Nebraska’s wild places. More than 12.3 million acres of the state are forested, and the large majority of that land is privately owned. Forestry products generate approximately $1 billion for Nebraska every year. While the state is largely agricultural, it has added more than 300,000 acres to its forests since 1994. The Nebraska Forest Service serves to enrich lives through protecting, restoring and using the states tree and forest resources.
Aerial lifts for Bridge Inspection in Nebraska
Bridge inspection equipment in Nebraska is important to public safety. There are more than 15,000 bridges in Nebraska that span a distance of greater than 20 feet. The Nebraska Department of Transportation reports to the Federal DOT on these structures every other year. Most states employ bridge inspection engineering companies or contractors who are certified for bridge inspection in Nebraska.
To learn more about the most innovative bridge inspection equipment, visit Aspen Aerials at

Nebraska General Information
Nebraska has a population of 1,920,000 people and is known primarily as an agricultural state. Lincoln is the State Capital of Nebraska, and located in the Eastern part of the state. The government and University of Nebraska are major employers in the city, which also features manufacturing and services. Omaha, which is the largest city in Nebraska, is also located in the Eastern part of the state. Home to several media organizations and globally recognized brands and companies, Omaha has a diversified economic base and is considered to be a top American location for business, including insurance, technology and architecture.
Major geographical features include the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains. Some of Nebraska’s popular tourist attractions include Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium, the Chimney Rock National Historic site, Scotts Bluff National Monument and the Agate Fossil Beds National Monument. Only California, Texas, and Iowa outproduce Nebraska farmers. In terms of revenue generated Nebraska’s top five agricultural products are cattle, corn (for grain), soybeans, hogs, and wheat. Nebraska is the only state in the USA where publicly owned utilities provide 100% of the electrical power.
Notes on Aerial Lift Safety from the United States Department of Labor
Nebraska Aerial Lift Safety
Nebraska Aerial Lift Safety is highly visible due to population density and the number of roads in the state. All safety codes are strictly enforced throughout the state, and are written to be in alignment with the United States Department of Labor’s OSHA regulations on Aerial Lift Safety.
You can find the OSHA Aerial lift factsheet here.