
  • International Business Imer Chile S.A. Silvia Gonzales

    Barrón Vieyra 10-A
    Samtiago , Región Metropolitana
    +562-287 15600

Versalift Chile

Elevadores de Canasta Hidráulico, Canastillas, Plataformas Elevadoras,
Elevadores de Canasta Hidráulico Aislados, Hidroelevadores Aislados soportan a las grandes industrias de Chile.

Los Elevadores hidráulicos y Hidroelevadores Aislados apoyan a la infraestructura de líneas aéreas energizadas, redes de telecomunicación, minería y construcción.

Más de 19 millones de personas que viven en Chile y utilizan múltiples de opciones para obtener los servicios de energía eléctrica y pueden elegir múltiples opciones en telecomunicaciones.

Chile es un país delgado y largo de 4,270 Kilómetros y se extiende a través de 38 grados de latitud / 4,270 Kilómetros con montañas y océanos.

Hidroelevadores Aislados de canasta son propiedad de empresas de servicios públicos y de empresas privadas, unas cuantas cooperativas eléctricas rurales, proveedores de televisión de cable, proveedores de datos por cable, departamentos de servicios municipales y otras entidades. Chile cuenta con población urbana del 90% y 10% de población rural.

Las ciudades de mayor población y desarrollo urbano con Equipo de canastillas en Chile son Santiago de Chile 6.2M, Puente Alto 0.56M , Antofagasta 0.38M , Viña del Mar – 0.33M, San Bernardo – 0.3M, Valparaíso 0.29M, Puerto Montt 0.24M, Rancagua 0.24M, Temuco 0.23M, Coquimbo 0.22M y Concepción 0.22M.

Además las Plataformas Elevadoras y Hidroelevadores Aislados se encuentran las 16 regiones con mayor desarrollo tales como la región Metropolitana de Santiago 7.1M, Valparaíso 1.81M, Biobío: 1.55M, Maule 1.04M, La Araucanía 0.96M, O’Higgins 0.91, Los Lagos 0.83M, Coquimbo 0.76M, Antofagasta 0.61, Ñuble: 0.48, Los Ríos 0.38M, Tarapacá 0.33M, Atacama 0.28M, Arica y Parinacota: 0.10M, Magallanes y Antártida Chilena: 0.166M, Aysén: 0.10M


  • VO455MHI
  • SST40EIH
  • TEL29I
  • TEL35I


Victor Velasco Mexico Versalift


Los Elevadores de Canasta Hidráulico Aislados en Chile desempeñan un papel crucial, ya que la industria depende 100% de la energía eléctrica.

La energía eléctrica que se consume en Chile proviene principalmente de centrales termoeléctricas (60.3%), centrales hidráulicas (29.4%), energía eólica (4.7%), otras como fotovoltaica y geotérmica (5,6%)

Manteniendo la energía eléctrica en los hogares, oficina e industria, el tráfico de datos y el mantenimiento de vías de comunicación y minera son de los más importantes.

La mayor parte de la energía eléctrica se distribuye vía área con instalación y mantención utilizando Canastas Hidráulicas Aislados.

Geográficamente Chile esta localizado en la costa oeste de Sudamérica adjunto al Mar Pacifico y esta en una zona afectada por fenómenos naturales tales como terremotos, inundaciones y erupciones volcánicas y tsunamis. Chile, debido a la área de baja presión, la corriente fría de Humboldt y la cordillera de la costa chilena y las montañas de los Andes no sufre de tormentas ciclónicas ni huracanes.

El clima de Chile comprende una amplia gama de condiciones climáticas debido a su gran escala geográfica, que se
Chile contiene a lo menos siete subtipos climáticos principales, que van desde el desierto de Atacama en el norte, hasta la tundra alpina y los glaciares en el este y sureste, la selva tropical en la isla de Pascua, oceánico en el clima del sur y mediterráneo.

Mercado Eléctrico

El mercado eléctrico en Chile, desde el lado de la oferta de energía, está compuesto por tres sectores cuyas actividades hacen posible la disposición de la energía eléctrica en los distintos puntos del mercado. La interconexión física de los componentes de cada uno de estos sectores se denomina sistema eléctrico:
Generación: sector que tiene como función la producción de la energía eléctrica a través de distintas tecnologías tales como la hidroeléctrica, termoeléctrica, eólica, solar, entre otras.


sector que tiene como función la transmisión, en niveles altos de voltaje, la energía producida a todos los puntos del sistema eléctrico.
Distribución: sector que tiene como función el distribuir, en niveles de voltaje más reducidos que los de Transmisión, la energía desde un cierto punto del sistema eléctrico a los consumidores regulados que este sector atiende.

Estas actividades son desarrolladas por completo por empresas privadas, las que realizan las inversiones necesarias dentro de la normativa específica que rige para cada uno de estos sectores. Así, los sectores de transmisión y distribución se desarrollan dentro de un esquema de sectores regulados, por la característica de monopolio que tienen ambos sectores, mientras que Generación lo hace bajo reglas de libre competencia.
Características de sistemas eléctricos en el territorio nacional

El mercado eléctrico chileno está compuesto por tres sistemas independientes.
Sistema Eléctrico Nacional (SEN): sistema compuesto por los antiguos sistemas Interconectado Central (SIC) e Interconectado del Norte Grande (SING).

Capacidad instalada: se refiere a la potencia de generar energía en base a determinada tecnología
A noviembre de 2019 cuenta con una capacidad instalada de 25.248 MW. El 48,3% de la capacidad instalada corresponde a fuentes renovables (27,0% hidráulica; 10,8% solar; 8,6% eólico; 1,8% biomasa; y 0,2% geotérmica) mientras que el 51,7% corresponde a fuentes térmicas (21,2% carbón, 19,2% gas natural y 11,4% petróleo).

Generación de energía: se refiere a la energía eléctrica efectivamente generada a partir de determinada tecnología
El aumento de la generación renovable ha sido importante en los últimos años, llegano a un 45,9% de generación renovable en 2018. El mayor aumento lo han tenido las tecnologías solar fotovoltaicas y eólica, que han aumentado drásticamente pasando en conjunto de un 0,5% en 2011 a un 12% en 2018.

Sistema de Aysén (SEA): sistema que produce electricidad para abastecer la Región de Aysén del General Carlos Ibañez del Campo. A diciembre de 2017 posee una capacidad instalada neta de 62 MW, con un 57% diesel, 37% hidráulica y 6% eólica.

Sistema de Magallanes (SEM): sistema que produce electricidad para abastecer las Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena. A diciembre de 2017 posee una capacidad instalada neta de 104 MW, con un 82% gas natural, 15% diésel, y 3% eólica.

Generación histórica

La tabla a continuación muestra la generación histórica de los sistemas SIC y SING, cuya interconexión hoy conforma el SEN, o Sistema Eléctrico Nacional. Los principales proveedores de energía eléctrica son ENEL Distribución, CGE, Chilquinta y Conafe

AES Gener
AES Gener es la segunda empresa generadora más importante de Chile en términos de capacidad instalada, con 3.388 MW en operación a diciembre de 2018, incluyendo coligadas y filiales en el extranjero. Es una empresa que aprovecha sus plataformas de electricidad y conocimiento para proporcionar soluciones energéticas y de infraestructura en los mercados que opera: Chile, Argentina y Colombia.

AME fue fundada en enero de 2008, cuando inició el desarrollo de su proyecto emblemático Termochilca, una central eléctrica de gas de ciclo combinado de 600 MW con sede en Chilca, Perú. AME junto a sus socios cuenta con una capacidad instalada de generación eléctrica de1.165 MW. en Chile y Perú.

AME se ha comprometido a fomentar las relaciones a largo plazo de beneficio mutuo con todos los actores claves en los proyectos, incluidos los inversores, clientes, contratistas, autoridades gubernamentales y las comunidades locales. Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer el suministro de energía limpia, competitiva, flexible y fiable para impulsar el crecimiento económico y sostenible en la región.

Cerro Dominador
El complejo solar Cerro Dominador está formado por una planta fotovoltaica con una capacidad de 100 MW, el campo solar del complejo alcanza las 1.000 hectáreas.
El complejo evitará la emisión de unas 870.000 toneladas de CO2 al año y permitirá responder a la demanda de energía de la población y de la industria gracias a la combinación de ambas tecnologías.

La planta fotovoltaica, con una potencia instalada de 100 MW, cuenta con 392.000 paneles que captan la energía del sol para transmitirla directamente a la red.

Colbún S.A. es una empresa de origen chileno dedicada a la generación de energía eléctrica. Cuenta con centrales de generación en Chile y Perú, a través de las cuales posee una capacidad instalada total de 3.342 MW a diciembre de 2018. Con un porfolio de activos que se distribuye en forma balanceada entre generación hidráulica y térmica, la compañía tiene más de 1.000 trabajadores.

El grupo francés EDF (Electricité de France) es un líder mundial de la de la energía baja en carbono con una combinación diversificada entre nuclear, térmico y renovable (87% de electricidad generada sin CO2). Tiene presencia en más de 20 países en los mercados de generación, transmisión, comercialización, servicios de eficiencia energética, ofreciendo su destacado know-how como experto en energía.

En Chile, el grupo EDF participa en la transición energética del país involucrándose en el desarrollo de las energías renovables con un respaldo de generación flexible. EDF opera con su socio AME las centrales térmicas de Nueva Renca, Renca, Santa Lidia y Los Vientos (750 MW de capacitad instalada). EDF Renewables, la filial del grupo opera con sus socios las centrales fotovoltaicas de Santiago Solar y Bolero (261 MW de capacidad instalada) y el parque eólico de Cabo Leones I (115 MW de capacitad instalada). Además, su filial Citelum está presente con una propuesta de alumbrado público a las municipalidades (13% del mercado chileno) y de Smart Cities (servicios conectados, electromovilidad).

Enel Generación Chile (ex Endesa Chile) se constituyó como Empresa Nacional de Electricidad S.A en 1943. El 4 de octubre de 2016, en junta extraordinarias de Accionistas de la compañía, se acordó el cambio de nombre y razón a Enel Generación Chile S.A. Enel Generación Chile es una compañía líder del sector eléctrico chileno y una de las principales sociedades eléctricas en los mercados en los que opera. Enel Generación Chile cotiza, en la Bolsa de Santiago, donde es parte de las 42 empresas que componen el IPSA, y también registra operaciones en la Bolsa de Nueva York.

Enel Green Power es la compañía que desarrolla y gestiona la generación de fuentes renovables del grupo Enel alrededor del mundo. Opera en Europa, Norte y Sudamérica, Asia y África. Enel Green Power Chile (EGPC) opera un portfolio de plantas de energía eólica, solar fotovoltaica e hidroeléctrica. Además, EGPC opera Cerro Pabellón, la primera planta de generación geotérmica de Sudamércia.

ENGIE ENERGÍA CHILE S.A. (ex E-CL), es la principal generadora y transmisora eléctrica del Sistema Interconectado del Norte Grande (SING), con cerca del 50% de participación de mercado en generación y 2.199 kilómetros de línea. A nivel nacional, es cuarta generadora por capacidad instalada con 2.040 MW. La firma figura entre las empresas de mayor tamaño en la Bolsa de Valores de Santiago y forma parte del IPSA.
ENGIE es el accionista controlador de ENGIE ENERGÍA CHILE S.A. con el 52,76% del capital; el porcentaje restante se transa en bolsa y se reparte entre Fondos de Pensiones, Inversionistas Institucionales y otros

Latin America Power
Latin America Power (LAP) es una empresa dedicada al desarrollo y operación de centrales de
generación de energía renovable en Chile y Perú.
Actualmente cuenta con una matriz compuesta por 10 centrales de generación eólica e hidroeléctrica,
totalizando más de 330 MW en operación y 260 kilómetros de Líneas de Transmisión operativas, las
que han reforzado la matriz energética de ambos países bajo los más altos estándares de
sustentabilidad, calidad y seguridad.

En Chile, LAP está presente desde el año 2011 y su primera operación fue la adquisición del parque
eólico Totoral (2013), ubicado en la región de Coquimbo. Tras esto, la empresa desarrolló dos
proyectos emblemáticos para la matriz nacional: la Central de Pasada Carilafquén Malalcahuello,
ubicada en la región de La Araucanía, y el Parque Eólico San Juan de Chañaral de Aceituno, el más
grande de su tipo en operación en Chile.


Los Elevadores hidráulicos y Plataformas Elevadoras apoyan las redes de telecomunicación.


Los principales proveedores de telecomunicaciones y televisión por cable en Chile son ENTEL, VTR, MOVISTAR


Ranking de Internet fija y móvil en Chile a marzo 2019

La penetración de Internet fijo fue de 17,3 accesos por cada 100 habitantes, lo que representa un aumento anual de 0,7 puntos porcentuales. No obstante, del total de accesos de Internet fijo, un 87,7% corresponde a accesos residenciales y un 12,3% a comerciales. En tanto, las principales tecnologías de conexión fueron HFC (55%), Fibra Óptica (23,8%) y ADSL (16,3%).
73% de la población cuenta con servicio de Internet.

En cuanto a la participación de mercado, VTR lidera con un 38,8%; luego le sigue Movistar con un 30,6%; Claro 14,3%; Grupo GTD con un 8,1%; y Entel con un 1,9%

Además, el estudio de Subtel indica que del total de accesos a Internet móvil (21,9 millones de suscripciones) el 85% son realizados desde un dispositivo móvil y que del total de accesos móviles (18,6 millones de suscripciones 3G y 4G), un 93,9% corresponde a navegación por smartphones (79,8% del total de accesos).

En tanto, la penetración total móvil (3G+4G) pasó de 90,7 accesos por cada 100 habitantes en marzo de 2018 a 97,9 accesos por cada 100 habitantes al primer trimestre de este año, con un crecimiento en el periodo de 7,2 puntos porcentuales.

Con respecto a la participación de mercado de internet móvil, Entel obtuvo el primer lugar con un 32,5%; seguido de Movistar con un 22,9% ; Claro con un 22,1%; Wom con un 20%; VTR con un 1,4%; y Virgin con un 1%.



La regulación existente en Chile para la utilización de los equipos de elevación con canasta (grúas, plataformas) es que estos equipos cumplan las normas ANSI


La utilización de los equipos de elevación con canasta (grúas, plataformas) es la forma más segura que ofrece acceso a los trabajos en altura, como por ejemplo la poda de árboles, ya sea para mantenimiento de árboles armónicos y sanos, para producción, y además para la reducción de riesgos en los tendidos eléctricos.






Versalift Chile VO260I


Press release

Versalift  International Growth in 2020

August 31, 2020


As a Time Manufacturing company, Versalift is continuing its push toward global expansion. Currently, Versalift is taking orders and delivering aerial lifts and other equipment to a global network of customers. Simultaneously, the company is expanding its distribution base throughout Europe, East Asia and the Americas. Versalift Elevated Work Platforms in Europe and the UK […]


  • Digger Derrick TMD-4045-50T


    • Horizontal Reach

      15.24 m

    • Sheave Reach

      18.29 m

    • Maximum Capacity

      13244.83 kg

    • Capacity at 10ft radius

      7529.59 kg

    • Load Radius

      2.74 m

    • Digging Radius

      10.67 m

  • digger derricks service


    • Horizontal Reach

      15.24 m

    • Sheave Reach

      18.29 m

    • Maximum Capacity

      13244.83 kg

    • Capacity at 10ft radius

      7529.59 kg

    • Load Radius

      2.74 m

    • Digging Radius

      10.67 m

  • digger derricks service


    • Horizontal Reach

      15.24 m

    • Sheave Reach

      18.29 m

    • Maximum Capacity

      13244.83 kg

    • Capacity at 10ft radius

      7529.59 kg

    • Load Radius

      2.74 m

    • Digging Radius

      10.67 m

  • Digger Derrick TMD4055-60T


    • Horizontal Reach

      15.24 m

    • Sheave Reach

      18.29 m

    • Maximum Capacity

      13244.83 kg

    • Capacity at 10ft radius

      7529.59 kg

    • Load Radius

      2.74 m

    • Digging Radius

      10.67 m

  • Digger Derrick


    • Horizontal Reach

      15.24 m

    • Sheave Reach

      18.29 m

    • Maximum Capacity

      13244.83 kg

    • Capacity at 10ft radius

      7529.59 kg

    • Load Radius

      2.74 m

    • Digging Radius

      10.67 m

  • digger derricks service


    • Horizontal Reach

      15.24 m

    • Sheave Reach

      18.29 m

    • Maximum Capacity

      13244.83 kg

    • Capacity at 10ft radius

      7529.59 kg

    • Load Radius

      2.74 m

    • Digging Radius

      10.67 m

  • Digger Derrick TMD4045-50B


    • Horizontal Reach

      15.24 m

    • Sheave Reach

      18.29 m

    • Maximum Capacity

      13244.83 kg

    • Capacity at 10ft radius

      7529.59 kg

    • Load Radius

      2.74 m

    • Digging Radius

      10.67 m

  • Aerial-Lift-Versalift-PHX-150-I

    PHX 150-I (PHOENIX)

    • Working Height

      55.78 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      54.25 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      24.08 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.96 m

    • Platform Capacity

      907.18 kg

  • digger derricks service


    • Horizontal Reach

      15.24 m

    • Sheave Reach

      18.29 m

    • Maximum Capacity

      13244.83 kg

    • Capacity at 10ft radius

      7529.59 kg

    • Load Radius

      2.74 m

    • Digging Radius

      10.67 m

  • Bucket Truck VST-7500SI-E88

    VST-7500-SI-E88 Elevator

    • Working Height

      28.04 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      26.52 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      14.02 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Bucket Truck T-30-N


    • Working Height

      10.36 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      8.84 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      6.1 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      272.15 kg

  • Bucket Truck T-30-I


    • Working Height

      10.36 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      8.84 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      6.1 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      272.15 kg

  • Bucket Truck T-34-I


    • Working Height

      11.58 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      10.06 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      7.32 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      272.15 kg

  • Bucket Truck T-34-N


    • Working Height

      11.58 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      10.06 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      7.32 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      272.15 kg

  • Versalift Product Placeholder Image


    • Working Height

      11.28 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      10.06 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      6.1 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Versalift Product Placeholder Image


    • Working Height

      12.5 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      11.28 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      7.32 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Bucket Truck VN-43-REAR


    • Working Height

      14.94 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      13.41 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      8.53 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      340.19 kg

  • Bucket Truck VN-43-REVERSE


    • Working Height

      15.24 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      13.72 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      8.53 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      340.19 kg

  • Bucket Truck VN-50-REAR


    • Working Height

      16.76 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      15.24 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      9.75 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      33.83 m

    • Platform Capacity

      340.19 kg

  • Bucket Truck VN-50-REVERSE


    • Working Height

      17.37 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      15.85 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      9.75 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      340.19 kg

  • Bucket Truck VN-55-REAR


    • Working Height

      18.29 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      16.76 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      10.97 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      317.51 kg

  • Versalift Product Placeholder Image


    • Working Height

      18.9 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      17.37 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      10.97 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      317.51 kg

  • Bucket Truck VN-60-REAR


    • Working Height

      19.81 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      18.29 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      11.89 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Versalift Product Placeholder Image


    • Working Height

      20.12 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      18.59 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      11.89 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.96 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-36-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      12.5 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      10.97 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      7.92 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.05 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-36-N-MHN


    • Working Height

      12.5 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      10.97 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      7.92 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.05 m

    • Platform Capacity

      272.15 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-39-TN-MHTN


    • Working Height

      13.41 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      11.89 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      7.92 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.05 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-40-N-MNH


    • Working Height

      13.72 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      12.19 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      9.14 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.05 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • vst-40-mhi electric utilities service


    • Working Height

      13.72 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      12.19 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      9.14 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.05 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-43-TN-MHTN


    • Working Height

      14.63 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      13.11 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      9.14 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-47-N-MHN


    • Working Height

      15.54 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      14.02 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      9.14 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      181.44 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-47-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      15.54 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      14.02 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      9.14 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      181.44 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-50-TN-MNTH


    • Working Height

      16.46 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      14.94 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      9.14 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-52-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      17.07 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      15.54 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      9.14 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      181.44 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-55-TN-MHTN


    • Working Height

      17.98 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      16.46 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      9.14 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-5000-SI


    • Working Height

      17.07 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      15.54 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      11.28 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-5500-SI


    • Working Height

      17.98 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      16.46 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      11.58 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Bucket Truck -6000-SI


    • Working Height

      19.51 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      17.98 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      12.19 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      204.12 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-7500-SI


    • Working Height

      24.38 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      22.86 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      14.02 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-7500-N-MHN


    • Working Height

      24.38 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      22.86 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      14.02 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-7500-N-MHN


    • Working Height

      24.38 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      22.86 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      14.02 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      317.51 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-8000-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      25.91 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      24.38 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      15.24 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      317.51 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-8000-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      25.91 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      24.38 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      15.24 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-8500-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      27.13 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      25.6 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      16.15 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      317.51 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-8500-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      27.13 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      25.6 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      16.15 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Bucket truck VST-7500-E100-I-MHI

    VST-7500-MHI-E100 Elevator

    • Working Height

      31.39 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      29.87 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      14.02 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • VST-7500-MHI-E108 Elevator

    VST-7500-MHI-E108 Elevator

    • Working Height

      33.83 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      32.31 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      14.02 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      317.51 kg

  • VST-9000-MHI-E100 Elevator

    VST-9000-MHI-E100 Elevator

    • Working Height

      31.7 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      30.18 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      17.07 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      317.51 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-36-I


    • Working Height

      12.5 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      10.97 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      8.84 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      8.84 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.05 m

    • Platform Capacity

      136.08 kg

  • Bucket Truck SST-40-ENH


    • Working Height

      13.72 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      12.19 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      8.46 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.15 m

    • Platform Capacity

      204.12 kg

  • Versalift Product Placeholder Image


    • Working Height

      12.5 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      11.28 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      7.32 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Versalift Product Placeholder Image


    • Working Height

      11.28 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      10.06 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      6.1 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Bucket Truck T-34-I


    • Working Height

      11.58 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      10.06 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      7.32 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      204.12 kg

  • Bucket Truck T-30-I


    • Working Height

      10.36 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      8.84 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      6.1 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      204.12 kg

  • Bucket Truck T-30-N


    • Working Height

      10.36 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      8.84 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      6.1 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      272.15 kg

  • Bucket Truck T-34-N


    • Working Height

      11.58 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      10.06 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      7.32 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      33.83 m

    • Platform Capacity

      272.15 kg

  • Bucket Truck TEL-29-EI


    • Working Height

      10.67 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      9.14 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      7.01 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      2.74 m

    • Platform Capacity

      158.76 kg

  • tel-29-ne telecommunications service


    • Working Height

      10.36 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      8.84 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      6.1 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.05 m

    • Platform Capacity

      158.76 kg

  • Bucket Truck TEL-35-EIH


    • Working Height

      12.19 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      10.67 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      6.4 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.05 m

    • Platform Capacity

      199.58 kg

  • Bucket Truck VANTEL-29-EIH


    • Working Height

      10.06 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      8.53 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      6.71 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      2.74 m

    • Platform Capacity

      136.08 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-252-REV


    • Working Height

      17.37 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      15.85 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      13.11 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      12.19 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      204.12 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-252-I


    • Working Height

      17.07 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      15.85 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      13.11 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      12.19 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.05 m

    • Platform Capacity

      204.12 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-255-I


    • Working Height

      17.98 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      16.46 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      14.02 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      12.5 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.05 m

    • Platform Capacity

      204.12 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-260-REVERSE


    • Working Height

      19.81 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      18.29 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      15.24 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      14.02 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      158.76 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-265-REV


    • Working Height

      21.64 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      20.12 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      14.02 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      12.5 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      204.12 kg

  • Versalift Product Placeholder Image


    • Working Height

      21.64 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      20.12 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      14.02 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      12.5 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      204.12 kg

  • Versalift Product Placeholder Image


    • Working Height

      22.86 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      21.34 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      15.24 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      13.72 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      158.76 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-29-I


    • Working Height

      10.36 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      8.84 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      6.4 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      6.4 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.05 m

    • Platform Capacity

      181.44 kg

  • Bucket Truck VOE-36-MHI

    VOE-36-MHI (Export)

    • Working Height

      12.8 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      10.97 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      8.84 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      7.01 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      181.44 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-42-MHI


    • Working Height

      14.33 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      12.8 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      10.67 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      7.92 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      181.44 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-32-I


    • Working Height

      11.28 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      9.75 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      6.4 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      5.79 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.05 m

    • Platform Capacity

      158.76 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-43-I


    • Working Height

      14.33 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      12.8 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      10.36 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      10.06 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.05 m

    • Platform Capacity

      181.44 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-350-MHI-XMHI


    • Working Height

      16.76 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      15.24 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      12.8 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      11.89 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-350-MHI-XMHI


    • Working Height

      16.76 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      15.24 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      12.8 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      9.45 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-350-MHI-XMHI


    • Working Height

      18.29 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      16.76 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      14.33 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      13.11 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Versalift Product Placeholder Image


    • Working Height

      19.81 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      18.29 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      15.85 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      11.28 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      272.15 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-360-MHI-XMHI


    • Working Height

      19.81 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      18.29 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      15.85 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      14.33 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      272.15 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-350-MHI-XMHI-E75

    VO-350-XMHI-E75 Elevator

    • Working Height

      24.38 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      22.86 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      12.8 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      11.89 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-350-MHI-XMHI-E83

    VO-350-XMHI-E83 Elevator

    • Working Height

      26.82 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      25.3 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      12.8 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      11.89 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • VO-355-MHI-XMHI-E80


    • Working Height

      25.91 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      24.38 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      14.33 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      13.11 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-355-MHI-XMHI-E88


    • Working Height

      28.35 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      26.82 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      14.33 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      13.11 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-360-MHI-XMHI-E85VO-360-MHI-XMHI-E93


    • Working Height

      29.87 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      28.35 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      15.85 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      11.28 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-360-MHI-XMHI-E85


    • Working Height

      27.43 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      25.91 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      15.85 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      11.28 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      272.15 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-452-MHI-E77


    • Working Height

      24.99 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      23.77 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      13.72 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      10.36 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.96 m

    • Platform Capacity

      317.51 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-460-MHI


    • Working Height

      19.81 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      18.29 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      16.15 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      11.89 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Bucket Truck -455-MHI-E88

    VO-455-MHI-E88 Elevator

    • Working Height

      28.65 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      27.43 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      14.63 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      10.97 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.96 m

    • Platform Capacity

      317.51 kg

  • Bucket Truck VO-460-MHI-E85

    VO-460-MHI-E85 Elevator

    • Working Height

      27.74 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      26.21 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      16.15 m

    • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

      11.89 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.96 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Cable Placer Bucket Truck STP-36-NE


    • Working Height

      12.19 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      10.67 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      8.84 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      158.76 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-7500SI-E100

    VST-7500-SI-E100 Elevator

    • Working Height

      31.7 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      30.18 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      14.02 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-47-N-MHN


    • Working Height

      15.54 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      14.02 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      9.45 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      181.44 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-52-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      17.07 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      15.54 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      9.14 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-40-N-MNH


    • Working Height

      13.72 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      12.19 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      9.14 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.05 m

    • Platform Capacity

      272.15 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-5500-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      18.29 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      16.76 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      11.28 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      340.19 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-5000-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      16.46 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      14.94 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      10.97 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      340.19 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-6000-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      19.81 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      18.29 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      11.58 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      340.19 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-6300-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      20.73 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      19.2 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      11.58 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      317.51 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-6600-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      21.34 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      19.81 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      11.89 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      317.51 kg

  • vst-7100-i electric utilities service


    • Working Height

      22.86 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      21.34 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      12.8 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      317.51 kg

  • Bucket Truck | VST-39-TN-MHTN


    • Working Height

      13.41 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      11.89 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      7.92 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.05 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-36-SI


    • Working Height

      12.5 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      10.97 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      7.92 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.05 m

    • Platform Capacity

      204.12 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-7100-I


    • Working Height

      22.86 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      21.34 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      12.8 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-7500-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      24.38 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      22.86 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      14.02 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-9000-I


    • Working Height

      28.65 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      27.13 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      17.07 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-9500-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      30.18 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      28.65 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      18.59 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      272.15 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-9500-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      30.18 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      28.65 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      18.59 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      272.15 kg

  • VST-9000-MHI


    • Working Height

      28.65 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      27.13 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      17.07 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      317.51 kg

  • vst-9000i-e100 industries service


    • Working Height

      31.7 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      30.18 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      17.07 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-7500-E108-I

    VST-7500-I-E108 Elevator

    • Working Height

      33.83 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      29.87 m

    • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

      14.02 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      317.51 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-7500-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      24.38 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      22.86 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      14.02 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-7500-E100-I-MHI

    VST-7500-I-E100 Elevator

    • Working Height

      31.39 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      29.87 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      14.02 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-6600-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      21.34 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      19.81 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      11.89 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-6300-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      20.73 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      19.2 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      11.58 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.66 m

    • Platform Capacity

      362.87 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-6000-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      19.81 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      18.29 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      11.58 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      294.83 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-5500-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      18.29 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      16.76 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      11.28 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      294.83 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-5000-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      16.46 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      14.94 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      10.97 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      294.83 kg

  • Bucket truck VST-55-TN-MHTN


    • Working Height

      17.98 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      16.46 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      9.14 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-52-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      17.07 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      15.54 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      9.45 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      181.44 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-50-TN-MNTH


    • Working Height

      16.46 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      14.94 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      9.14 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-47-SI


    • Working Height

      15.54 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      14.02 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      9.45 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      181.44 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-47-I-MHI


    • Working Height

      15.54 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      14.02 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      9.14 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.35 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Bucket Truck VST-43-TN-MHTN


    • Working Height

      14.63 m

    • Insulated/Non-insulated


    • Request quote
    • Height to Bottom of Platform

      13.11 m

    • Horizontal Reach

      9.14 m

    • Stowed Travel Height

      3.05 m

    • Platform Capacity

      226.8 kg

  • Versalift Product Placeholder Image


    • Bucket Truck VST-40-I


      • Working Height

        13.72 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        12.19 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        9.14 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.05 m

      • Platform Capacity

        272.15 kg

    • Bucket Truck VST-40-SI


      • Working Height

        13.72 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        12.19 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        9.14 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.05 m

      • Platform Capacity

        204.12 kg

    • vst-36-si electric utilities service


      • Working Height

        12.5 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        10.97 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        7.92 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.05 m

      • Platform Capacity

        272.15 kg

    • vst-36-si electric utilities service


      • Working Height

        12.5 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        10.97 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        7.92 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.05 m

      • Platform Capacity

        272.15 kg

    • Bucket Truck VO-355-MHI-XMHI


      • Working Height

        18.29 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        16.76 m

      • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

        14.33 m

      • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

        10.36 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.35 m

      • Platform Capacity

        362.87 kg

    • Bucket Truck VO-350-MHI-XMHI-E83


      • Working Height

        26.82 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        25.3 m

      • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

        12.8 m

      • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

        9.45 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.66 m

      • Platform Capacity

        362.87 kg

    • VO-350-MHI-E75


      • Working Height

        24.38 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        22.86 m

      • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

        12.8 m

      • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

        9.45 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.66 m

      • Platform Capacity

        362.87 kg

    • Bucket Truck VO-460-MHI-E93

      VO-460-MHI-E93 Elevator

      • Working Height

        30.18 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        28.65 m

      • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

        16.15 m

      • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

        11.89 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.96 m

      • Platform Capacity

        226.8 kg

    • Bucket Truck VO-455-MHI


      • Working Height

        15.24 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        16.76 m

      • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

        14.63 m

      • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

        10.97 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.35 m

      • Platform Capacity

        317.51 kg

    • Bucket Truck VO-455-MHI-E80

      VO-455-MHI-E80 Elevator

      • Working Height

        26.21 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        24.69 m

      • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

        14.63 m

      • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

        10.97 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.96 m

      • Platform Capacity

        317.51 kg

    • Bucket Truck VO-452-MHI-E85


      • Working Height

        27.74 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        26.21 m

      • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

        13.72 m

      • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

        10.36 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.96 m

      • Platform Capacity

        317.51 kg

    • Bucket Truck VO-452-MHI


      • Working Height

        17.37 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        15.85 m

      • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

        13.72 m

      • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

        10.36 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.35 m

      • Platform Capacity

        317.51 kg

    • Bucket Truck VO-360-MHI-XMHI-E85VO-360-MHI-XMHI-E93


      • Working Height

        29.87 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        28.35 m

      • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

        15.85 m

      • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

        14.33 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.66 m

      • Platform Capacity

        272.15 kg

    • Bucket Truck VO-360-MHI-XMHI-E85


      • Working Height

        27.43 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        25.91 m

      • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

        15.85 m

      • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

        14.33 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.66 m

      • Platform Capacity

        272.15 kg

    • Bucket Truck VO-355-MHI-XMHI-E88


      • Working Height

        28.35 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        26.82 m

      • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

        14.33 m

      • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

        10.36 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.66 m

      • Platform Capacity

        362.87 kg

    • Bucket Truck VO-355-MHI-XMHI-E80


      • Working Height

        25.91 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        24.38 m

      • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

        14.33 m

      • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

        10.36 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.66 m

      • Platform Capacity

        362.87 kg

    • Bucket Truck VO-270-REVERSE


      • Working Height

        22.86 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        21.34 m

      • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

        15.24 m

      • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

        14.02 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.66 m

      • Platform Capacity

        204.12 kg

    • VO-255-REV


      • Working Height

        18.29 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        16.76 m

      • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

        14.02 m

      • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

        12.5 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.66 m

      • Platform Capacity

        204.12 kg

    • Bucket Truck VO-40-MHI


      • Working Height

        13.41 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        11.89 m

      • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

        9.45 m

      • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

        8.84 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.05 m

      • Platform Capacity

        181.44 kg

    • Bucket Truck VANTEL-29-N


      • Working Height

        10.36 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        8.84 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        6.71 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        2.74 m

      • Platform Capacity

        158.76 kg

    • Bucket Truck VANTEL-29-N


      • Working Height

        10.06 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        8.53 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        6.1 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        2.74 m

      • Platform Capacity

        158.76 kg

    • Bucket Truck VANTEL-29-IH


      • Working Height

        10.06 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        8.53 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        6.1 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        2.74 m

      • Platform Capacity

        136.08 kg

    • VAN-TEL-29 SHOWN


      • Working Height

        10.67 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        9.14 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        6.4 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.05 m

      • Platform Capacity

        158.76 kg

    • TMD-2050-T


      • Horizontal Reach

        12.19 m

      • Sheave Reach

        15.54 m

      • Maximum Capacity

        11339.75 kg

      • Capacity at 10ft radius

        4898.77 kg

      • Load Radius

        2.13 m

      • Digging Radius

        8.23 m

    • TMD Series


      • Horizontal Reach

        12.19 m

      • Sheave Reach

        15.54 m

      • Maximum Capacity

        10160.42 kg

      • Capacity at 10ft radius

        5080.21 kg

      • Load Radius

        2.13 m

      • Digging Radius

        8.23 m

    • TMD-2050-T


      • Horizontal Reach

        11.28 m

      • Sheave Reach

        14.63 m

      • Maximum Capacity

        11339.75 kg

      • Capacity at 10ft radius

        5352.36 kg

      • Load Radius

        2.13 m

      • Digging Radius

        7.92 m

    • TMD Series


      • Horizontal Reach

        10.67 m

      • Sheave Reach

        14.63 m

      • Maximum Capacity

        10160.42 kg

      • Capacity at 10ft radius

        5080.21 kg

      • Load Radius

        2.13 m

      • Digging Radius

        7.92 m

    • TMD-2050-T


      • Horizontal Reach

        10.67 m

      • Sheave Reach

        14.02 m

      • Maximum Capacity

        12473.73 kg

      • Capacity at 10ft radius

        5624.52 kg

      • Load Radius

        1.83 m

      • Digging Radius

        7.32 m

    • TMD Series


      • Horizontal Reach

        10.67 m

      • Sheave Reach

        14.02 m

      • Maximum Capacity

        11112.96 kg

      • Capacity at 10ft radius

        5307 kg

      • Load Radius

        2.13 m

      • Digging Radius

        7.32 m

    • TMD-2050-T


      • Horizontal Reach

        9.75 m

      • Sheave Reach

        13.11 m

      • Maximum Capacity

        13108.75 kg

      • Capacity at 10ft radius

        5760.59 kg

      • Load Radius

        1.83 m

      • Digging Radius

        6.71 m

    • Bucket Truck TEL-35-NE


      • Working Height

        11.89 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        10.36 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        6.1 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.05 m

      • Platform Capacity

        199.58 kg

    • TEL-31-NE


      • Working Height

        10.67 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        9.14 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        4.88 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.05 m

      • Platform Capacity

        199.58 kg

    • Bucket Truck TEL-29-NE


      • Working Height

        10.36 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        8.84 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        6.71 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        2.74 m

      • Platform Capacity

        136.08 kg

    • Bucket Truck TEL-29-EIH


      • Working Height

        10.36 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        8.84 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        6.71 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.05 m

      • Platform Capacity

        158.76 kg

    • tel-29-ne telecommunications service


      • Working Height

        10.36 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        8.84 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        6.4 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        2.74 m

      • Platform Capacity

        158.76 kg

    • Bucket Truck T-34-I


      • Working Height

        11.58 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        10.06 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        7.32 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.35 m

      • Platform Capacity

        272.15 kg

    • Bucket Truck SST-40-NE


      • Working Height

        13.72 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        12.19 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        8.46 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.15 m

      • Platform Capacity

        181.44 kg

    • Bucket Truck


      • Working Height

        13.72 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        12.19 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        8.46 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.15 m

      • Platform Capacity

        204.12 kg

    • SST-37-EIH


      • Working Height

        12.8 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        11.28 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        8.46 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.15 m

      • Platform Capacity

        204.12 kg

    • SST-37-NE


      • Working Height

        12.8 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        11.28 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        8.46 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.15 m

      • Platform Capacity

        181.44 kg

    • Bucket Truck SST-37-ENH


      • Working Height

        12.8 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        11.28 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        8.46 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.15 m

      • Platform Capacity

        204.12 kg

    • SST-36-NE


      • Working Height

        12.19 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        10.67 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        7.92 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.05 m

      • Platform Capacity

        158.76 kg

    • Versalift Product Placeholder Image


      • Working Height

        21.01 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        19.48 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        8.48 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.63 m

      • Platform Capacity

        199.58 kg

    • VTP-40-I-e1644356701390


      • Working Height

        12.19 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        10.67 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        8.84 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.35 m

      • Platform Capacity

        226.8 kg

    • Bucket Truck VANTEL-29-EIH


      • Working Height

        10.67 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        9.14 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        7.01 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.05 m

      • Platform Capacity

        158.76 kg

    • TMD Series


      • Horizontal Reach

        4.88 m

      • Sheave Reach

        8.23 m

      • Maximum Capacity

        11657.26 kg

      • Capacity at 10ft radius

        5443.08 kg

      • Load Radius

        1.83 m

      • Digging Radius

        6.71 m

    • Bucket Truck T-30-I


      • Working Height

        10.36 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        8.84 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        6.1 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.35 m

      • Platform Capacity

        272.15 kg

    • SST-36-N


      • Working Height

        12.19 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        10.67 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        7.32 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.05 m

      • Platform Capacity

        158.76 kg

    • SKY-215-I (SKYBIRD)

      SKY-215-I (SKYBIRD)

      • Working Height

        66.14 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        64.31 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        31.09 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.96 m

      • Platform Capacity

        600.1 kg

    • phx 180-i electric utilities service

      PHX 180-I (PHOENIX)

      • Working Height

        55.78 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        54.25 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        24.08 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.96 m

      • Platform Capacity

        907.18 kg

    • Bucket Truck Schematic - LT-56-NE Versalift


      • Working Height

        19.18 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        17.65 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        9.45 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.63 m

      • Platform Capacity

        158.76 kg

    • Bucket Truck VO-260-REAR


      • Working Height

        19.2 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        17.68 m

      • Horizontal Reach Overcenter

        15.24 m

      • Horizontal Reach Non Overcenter

        13.72 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        3.05 m

      • Platform Capacity

        158.76 kg

    • tel-29-ne telecommunications service


      • Working Height

        10.06 m

      • Insulated/Non-insulated


      • Request quote
      • Height to Bottom of Platform

        8.53 m

      • Horizontal Reach

        6.1 m

      • Stowed Travel Height

        2.74 m

      • Platform Capacity

        158.76 kg